Three Things You Need to Know In Your Seasons

Messaged preached on August 7, 2022 by Pastor Cynthia D. Bellamy

Jeremiah 8 :20




In this life, we all need to get to a place where we can serve God in contentment. No matter what season of your life you are in, no matter what is going, or what is happening; giving up is NOT an option. Therefore in that season, you must do those three things, “Do not lose focus, Do not lose yourself, and Do not lose your commitment to God.” Know that you have options and you do not have to stay in a place of defeat or in a particular season of your life where you feel like you’re drowning. You do not have to accept this place. God is still on the throne and He reigns, and you cannot lose focus or sight of that.

Second, you cannot lose yourself. You can’t just easily accept everything that life is throwing at you. How can you accept every negative thought in your mind? How can you easily give up? How can you accept defeat? You cannot allow the weight of life to bury you so deep, that it is impossible to pull you out. As scripture tells us, you have to learn how to be abased and learn how to abound (Philippians 4:12). There’s a point in life you know what it means to have and what it means not to have. However, you do not want to come to a point where you question if God is with you. For even in the sufferings, God is with us. Therefore, know that God is with you in your season.

Lastly, there’s a commitment to God that cannot be broken. When you make a vow unto the Lord, you cannot take it back. When storms come, will you take back the vow? Will you go back on your commitment to God, when the going gets rough? Or will you maintain your vow to the Lord? Where else can you turn to when God has what you need and knows how to get you through your seasons. God is your rock, for all of your help comes from the Lord! Look up, for God is on your side and still with you. Will you trust Him? For God will be with you always even to the end.

When you’re going through your seasons, besides these three valuable things you need to guard; you need to be careful with what you say. Why, because the devil is listening to your words. You need to learn to speak the Word of God over your situation. For there is a Word for what you are dealing with. Speak the Word of God to yourself. The Word of God will make a difference! If you can learn how to speak the Word, watch what God will do.

So, let the LIGHT come into that season of your life. Let the S-O-N come in; the Son of the living God. The dark place won’t stay dark too long once the SON comes in.

Will you invite the SON, Jesus Christ, into your seasons? Do not let all these seasons pass you by without the Son and you are not Saved.

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Faith Outreach

Faith Outreach

Faith Outreach Apostolic