Your Goliath Has To Fall

Message Preached on December 18, 2022 by Minister Genesis Spellman

1 Samuel 17: 23-26

David was a shepherd, took care of his flocks, he killed lions, and bears. David was known for such skills amongst the people. Therefore, David’s father sent him to the giant mentioned in this scripture to fight. Now, let’s imagine the size of what giants may look like. Giants are considered big, tall, huge in size; anyone would be scared to go against them. This giant, Goliath, with his massive appearance instilled fear in the army to not go against him.

It’s not clear if David truly felt any fear in going against Goliath or not. Nonetheless, David was confident enough to bring just five stones and his sling against Goliath. Yet, out of the five stones David only needed one to kill this giant Goliath. David could have used all five yet, he didn’t. In that manner, let’s consider ourselves. What giant or giants are you facing in your life that has to come down?

It could be anxiety, depression, family, friends, or something you are personally dealing with. No matter what that giant may be, just know it has to come down. You have the word of God in your heart. Scripture tells you that you can do ALL things through Christ (Philippians 4:13). The Bible also tells us to speak to the mountain, and it shall be removed (Mark 11:23). It’s time to speak to those situations in your life for them to come down, in Jesus’ Name.

First, we must repent. Repenting is necessary in this walk with Christ and it has to be daily. Whatever it may be in your life, repent. Then speak to that mountain, that giant, and command it to come down. God has given you power and authority; use it. It is time to complete the works of the Lord and not waste time.

Take the steps to kill those giants standing in your way. Let them fall and move forward in God.

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Faith Outreach

Faith Outreach

Faith Outreach Apostolic