Message Preached on January 15, 2023 by Deacon Jamie Hathaway
We have a tendency to clean our cars, homes, desk, and just about anything that needs cleaning right. What about a spiritual cleanse? A spiritual cleaning? We know the other things matter but a spiritual cleansing matters more. There are some things that we must put at the altar. Things that have been ailing us, blocking us, and more; we must leave them at the altar of the Lord. Anxiety, doubt, fear, and anything not limited to the seven deadly sins. Greed, anger, envy, gluttony, laziness, lust of the flesh & eyes, and the pride of life, have to be cleared out. The way to conquer these things and get rid of them is by being obedient to the word of God.
In the scripture in John, we find the word abide. The word abide, accept, trust, and act in accordance with. When we say we’re going to get rid of “things”, greed for instance, it is not of God but of the world. We only use 5% of our brains, imagine if we used 100% of it where things would go. How much wickedness would creep in because of the “power” we would have. This is why God has given us limited power in this area. He knows the mind of man. By having too much power, the enemy would tell us we are stronger than the God we serve. Why should we listen to him? The lust of the eye and desiring the power, would lead to greed. We would want to obtain everything the next man has, yet not willing to do the work. Stop trying to get what you want, when God supplies all of your needs.
To leave things at the altar, it is very important we learn to steward our time. Use it wisely to draw closer to God by reading the word. Our emotions is one that we must pay attention to. Our emotions bring back envy and wanting what others have. Envy brings on anger. Out of anger, we start making long term decisions for short term decisions. Why, because emotions kicked in and had you make a rash decision. Decisions that leads to laziness and comfortability, when this was never the plan of God. From the laziness, leads to gluttony which now is causing depression. Leave the emotions at the altar!
Lust of the eyes, the things that look appealing to you will lead to trouble. The lust of the eyes comes with conditions and you must be prepared to deal with them. Be aware of the lust of the flesh as well. The pride of life is one that really gets the best of us. Don’t let your pride hold you back from receiving the blessings the Lord has for you.The safest place to be to get rid of pride, any of the seven deadly sins, and anything else that is hindering you is in the church, at the altar.
We have today and tomorrow by Grace. Be obedient to the Word of God and step out by Faith. Trusting that God will remove those hindrances. Don’t be afraid to go to the altar. Faith has hope and fear has despair. Which one will you choose? Follow the leading of God and be free. By being obedient to Jesus and His Word, you will find peace.
What will you leave at the altar?