Message Preached by Elder Elyon Wells on January 29, 2023
Ecclesiastes 3:1; Genesis 7:16; Genesis 8:1-3

God Shuts the Door
In life, you have to come to place to understand where you are and when you are in God. You must understand this because there are people who will pull on your heart string. They will abuse you and what you have to offer. There are people around you who will know exactly what to do. Be aware of this in your new season.
In scripture, we find that Noah was instructed to build an ark for himself and his family by God, because God was getting ready to send rain on the earth. God instructs him to enter the ark and God himself shuts the door. As they enter the ark and it begins to rain, you can imagine they hear the screams of those on the outside and the torture. People begging to enter the ark but God shut the door. The reason God shut the door? He did not want the old thing to contaminate the new thing. Why? There are some things you cannot take with you in the new season. It is okay to let God sever some things to move forward.
There is a place of sanctified isolation that God has had many and it is for our good. He will put you in a place that you cannot get out of. He’ll send tribulations your way, trials, troubles, family acting funny, friends, and more. Why? To position you to pray, when He needs you to pray. For if it was up to us, we would not pray and would want to run away from our troubles. But there’s something about that sanctified isolation that will make you. We need to get to a place spiritually where nothing can affect where we are.
God Remembers You
After a one hundred and fifty days of rain and Noah in the ark, God remembers him. God remembers why He chose Noah and why this ark was made. There’s something about when God remembers you. If you feel like God has forgotten you, know that He has not! You are in a season for a reason but He didn’t forget you there. He remembers you. There may have been trials and tribulations but God still remembered you. You may not always do what is right but God remembers you. The journey may have been rough but God has not forgotten how you prayed and fasted. He didn’t forget when you came to church, even though you didn’t want to come. Nor did He forget when you prayed when you didn’t want to. He saw the tears and more. He saw the obedience to your leader. What you needed in that season, did you get the understanding? The season is getting ready to pass!
The storm may have come but it didn’t kill you. The Lord has strengthened you and is encouraging you. A new beginning is on the way. You can have a new exodus if you desire it! For the Lord will get you through it. He has remembered you! The duration of your season is conditioned by the decisions you make in that season.
New Season
In welcoming your new season, welcome the change in your perception. Welcome to the change in mindset that will increase the change in behavior. Those that were in the Ark were spared because of the obedience of Noah. Noah’s ability to hear God, obey God, and wait, is what allowed his season to only be one hundred and fifty days. Your decisions can be better. You must make the decision that you will not make the same mistakes, that caused you to go through in the first place. You can have a new day but if you make the wrong decisions in the new day, you can see the same results as before. Make new decisions in your new season!
Allow God to strengthen you in your new season. Every promise God has for you, can be received. It’s yours! God has given you the ability to make new decisions. Think about those decisions and where it’ll lead to.