Who Are You Associated With?

Message Preached on September 4, 2022 by Pastor Cynthia D. Bellamy

Acts 16: 16-18

We hear this often but it’s true of its saying, whenever you have an encounter with God, it brings about a change. You cannot have an encounter and go back out the same way, it just cannot happen. His encounter heals, it restores, brings deliverance, completion, wholeness; that’s what the experience brings. When God operates and you begin to move by the power of God, know that the devil is going to show up. Therefore, be-careful who you associate yourself with. Be-careful of the prophets you associate with, the apostles, the dancers [praisers] you associate yourself with, be-careful of the worship leaders; YOU HAVE TO BE-CAREFUL!

This particular scripture in Acts, as they [Paul & Silas] were on their way to a place of prayer, a distraction came on their way to prayer. Why would this distraction come while on the way to prayer? A place and time set aside to give unto God in prayer, is when the demon comes to “associate themselves”. The scripture tells us they [Paul & Silas] were met by a slave girl, who had a spirit/possessed with demons. She made her masters a lot of money because of this gift. On the way to prayer, Paul and Silas are met by her crying out” These men are the servants of the most high God, which shew unto us the way of salvation.”

She was right, they were the servants of God. The girl, by the power of a demon was able to tell the future; a slave to this demon. Now, here she comes while they are going to prayer with distractions by her foretelling. She comes being “loud” in her demonic power about these men. Sometimes, we ourselves have to watchful of the “loud ones” around us. Those pushing and encouraging; check their spirit of intentions.

This testimony was coming from a demon possessed girl, and it did not help Paul and Silas’ cause. This may have seemed as a great opportunity to be able to tell the future for their ministry. Though, we see a demon possessed is trying to connect with men of God. What she was saying was truthful but she was operating under the power of a demon. She continued to do this foretelling of them for many days. Paul, grieved of her actions, knew the people of Philippia would come to associate the ministry through the operating of this girl. Do you remember when Jesus rebuked the demons that confessed him to be the Son of God (ref. Luke 4: 40-42)? Why would Jesus do this? Didn’t it seemed right for them to tell of who He was? Jesus did not want demons associated to his ministry.

Therefore, if Paul did not rebuke this demon out of the girl, she would’ve been associated with their ministry. From the eyes of the people, it looked like they were in it together. It seemed like they were believing the same thing, walking the same walk, and talking the same talk. Be careful who you associate with when in ministry! Be careful of those who can prophesy, of the singers, the musicians; you do not know what they are doing. They can be doing a whole lot of ungodly behaviors unbeknownst to anyone.

Not just in ministry but check those you are hanging out with. What are they seeing around you? Are they seeing you hanging out with a liar? A drunkard? Someone who’s a homewrecker? Someone who’s promiscuous? Or are they seeing you with people who are genuinely living Holy in the sight of God?Check your associations in ministry and in your personal walk with Christ. Not everyone has good intentions in their encouragement for you. However, as long as you have a witness in Heaven, Jesus is more than enough.

Your enemies cannot harm you but keep a close eye on your associations.

A Risk Worth Taking

Message Preached on August 28, 2022 by Pastor Cynthia D. Bellamy

Mark 5: 25-34

In reading the scripture, the woman had “an issue” that lasted for 12 years. An issue that caused hemorrhaging and made her unclean. One can only imagine what she must have been through during this time. Scripture tells us she “suffered many things of many physicians. She may have undergone so many tests to understand what was going on in her body. Personally, you may have undergone testing with your own physician for reasons known to you. A complete process to rule out the cause. Then after doing all that through insurance, there’s a roadblock where certain things are not “covered.” Now, you have to spend out of pocket to cover the cost. Imagine now the woman with the issue of blood. The issue was costing!

It cost the woman to try and but now it was getting worse. It would be okay if things got better or if there was relief, deliverance. However, the Bible tells us the woman’s issue got worse, she is in a deficit. There is an indication in this scripture that tells us that the woman was not someone without any money. Resources were available to her. At some point in her life she never had this “issue” but it came upon her. She is spending all this money but again, it is only getting worse. She was willing to do whatever it took to be healed! We ourselves sometimes get in a desperate place of need, that we would do whatever it takes to be healed. You would go to the extremes and press to get rid of the “issue.”

Scripture says the woman “heard” about Jesus. Leaving us to assume she did not have an experience with Him. Due to her issue of blood she was not able to be in the services for so long. She did not know if she felt His presence. There is something about the name of Jesus! Yet, she ONLY heard of the name! In just hearing of the name of Jesus, the woman “came in the press” to get to Him. Have you ever had the experience of going to a concert or a show? Desiring to get the best view to see everything? The things you do just to make sure you get that view? The woman with he issue of blood PRESSED BEHIND Jesus just to get to Him. She didn’t have to be out in the front to get to Him, she simply heard of him!

A press is an effort, a press is not comfortable. The woman did not just walk up to Jesus, but she had to PRESS! For God to deal with your “issue,” for things to happen in your life, you must press! You simply just cannot accept your “issues” as is. You cannot keep talking to yourself and believing that this is just how life is. Do not lay down with your issues and desiring to give up. For your issues to get healed, press to get to God! Go when you don’t want to go. You must end up at the right place, at the right time. See the healing, the deliverance, and the miracles!

Do not give up now!

The woman came to Jesus “fearing and trembling” before Him, she did not feel worthy. She may have also feared what the crowd may have done to her. Considering, she touched His garment but maybe some in the crowd could have been familiar with her issue. Yet Jesus, acknowledged her; this was a risk worth taking! A risk that was going to pay off in the end. She heard about Him, she pressed behind Him, touched Him, and the woman was healed. There is no way you can have an encounter with Jesus and leave the same way you came. An encounter with Jesus will change your life!

The woman HEARD:

Healed– she was healed instantly of her issue.

Endowed-supported by a permanent fund or source, Jesus was her source!

Assist– to give support or aid, Jesus was the only one that could help her!

Release and Restore– restore means to bring back into existence; to put back into the formal. It brings back restitution. You need Jesus to restore you back! Jesus restored her.

Delivered– Jesus set her free from her issues, set her free from her sins, free from the physicians.

To get the healing you are looking for, have you HEARD about Jesus? What are you willing to do?

Pressing into Jesus is a risk worth taking!

Three Things You Need to Know In Your Seasons

Messaged preached on August 7, 2022 by Pastor Cynthia D. Bellamy

Jeremiah 8 :20




In this life, we all need to get to a place where we can serve God in contentment. No matter what season of your life you are in, no matter what is going, or what is happening; giving up is NOT an option. Therefore in that season, you must do those three things, “Do not lose focus, Do not lose yourself, and Do not lose your commitment to God.” Know that you have options and you do not have to stay in a place of defeat or in a particular season of your life where you feel like you’re drowning. You do not have to accept this place. God is still on the throne and He reigns, and you cannot lose focus or sight of that.

Second, you cannot lose yourself. You can’t just easily accept everything that life is throwing at you. How can you accept every negative thought in your mind? How can you easily give up? How can you accept defeat? You cannot allow the weight of life to bury you so deep, that it is impossible to pull you out. As scripture tells us, you have to learn how to be abased and learn how to abound (Philippians 4:12). There’s a point in life you know what it means to have and what it means not to have. However, you do not want to come to a point where you question if God is with you. For even in the sufferings, God is with us. Therefore, know that God is with you in your season.

Lastly, there’s a commitment to God that cannot be broken. When you make a vow unto the Lord, you cannot take it back. When storms come, will you take back the vow? Will you go back on your commitment to God, when the going gets rough? Or will you maintain your vow to the Lord? Where else can you turn to when God has what you need and knows how to get you through your seasons. God is your rock, for all of your help comes from the Lord! Look up, for God is on your side and still with you. Will you trust Him? For God will be with you always even to the end.

When you’re going through your seasons, besides these three valuable things you need to guard; you need to be careful with what you say. Why, because the devil is listening to your words. You need to learn to speak the Word of God over your situation. For there is a Word for what you are dealing with. Speak the Word of God to yourself. The Word of God will make a difference! If you can learn how to speak the Word, watch what God will do.

So, let the LIGHT come into that season of your life. Let the S-O-N come in; the Son of the living God. The dark place won’t stay dark too long once the SON comes in.

Will you invite the SON, Jesus Christ, into your seasons? Do not let all these seasons pass you by without the Son and you are not Saved.

My Circumstances Don’t Dictate My Praise: You Gotta Go Through What You Gotta Go Through

Messaged Preached on July 31, 2022 by Deacon Jamie Hathaway

Psalm 34: 1; Job 2: 9-10

Praise is “an expression of approval” or “worship.” There are people who are watching us and in watching our Christian lifestyle, have learned what praise is all about and what it means to praise God. From our actions and their observations of us, others are blessed by what they see. And in this manner, we must be mindful of what we do in our good days and in our bad days. If we can praise God in the good that he has done for us, in our bad days we cannot turn around and complain and look downcast. How can you go from rejoicing to misery? You must go back to when Jesus was in it; always maintain a praise.

You can never change life circumstances, the bills will have to be paid, things will happen whether you want them to or not. However, despite all of this you must give thanks and maintain a praise. What you can do is control how you operate under the condition of life’s circumstances. Seek the Lord! Seek Godly counsel during that time, this will shift your focus from the circumstances.

David is a perfect example of shifting his focus away from life circumstances. Despite being anointed to be king, hated by Saul, and a target on his back, David “bless the Lord at all times” praise was continually in his mouth for the Lord. David did not let his circumstances stopped his praise; he went through it all blessing God. Can this be said of you? Are you going through the problems with praise continually? Or are we letting the circumstances take over? Take for example the life of Job, when his entire livelihood was destroyed, and the death of his children; Job relied on God and knew how to act under the condition of his situation. Job praised God and went through the hardship.

You must go through, what you must go through!

As a woman of God, yes, there are times when life circumstances are weighing heavy on my shoulders. Yet, I know where my help comes from, and I must always praise God Why? I have to get through it; someone is watching and paying attention to my actions. Therefore, in my actions, continually praising, that someone is learning to praise and thank God NO MATTER WHAT!

So, let Go! Let God have his way in your life and in the circumstances that is weighing heavy. It may not be easy but when there is a praise on your lips, the load becomes Gods to carry. Fixate your eyes on the relationship you have with God. If you strayed away, re-establish that relationship and do it daily. If you don’t have one, God is there with open arms to welcome you and start a personal relationship with you.

Therefore, don’t let the circumstances dictate your praise. You must go through it; it is for your good, but you don’t have to go through it alone.

Go through it with God!

Your Remaining Years

Messaged Preached on July 24, 2022 by Pastor Cynthia D. Bellamy

1 Chronicles 29

In 1 Chronicles 29, before King David was called home to be with the Lord, David had some specific instructions to leave behind. A final task remained that David himself would not see nor complete with his own hands. What final task could have possibly remained for David to complete; with leaving such a legacy behind already? To build a temple unto the Lord, as promised (see 2 Samuel 7; 1 Chronicles 22:7-8; 28:1-3). David made sure his final promise unto the Lord was uttered, for his son Solomon to know specific instructions, and for David to see those in the congregation who were willing to give their service unto the Lord.

What are you going to do with your remaining years? Are you going to play with your life and the lives of others? Or are you going to live out doing the work of the Lord? Above all in these last and evil days, more preaching of deliverance and getting into a relationship with Jesus Christ more than anything else, is essential. Now is the time to build a relationship with God, and not with people. David built his relationship with God over his lifespan.

What are you doing?

“God, forgive me”, is where you can start before you can begin the work of the Lord. David was preparing his son Solomon and was leaving him a word of instruction. Are you prepared for the will of the Lord? You may have the desire to do something but when God says no, his final word is just that, a no. Surely, David had the will to build the temple, but God knew there was too much blood on David’s hands to build the temple. However, there was something about Solomon, where David needed someone who was going to follow the commandments and will of God to finish what he couldn’t. Are you someone who will follow the commandments and will of the Lord?

Are you steadfast?

To do what God is calling you to do, you must be steadfast. Instructions come with anything you must put together, with steps to follow. Step 1, tells you to take everything out of the box. For with the first instruction, you need to know you have everything you need. If we were to overlook the first step, down the finish line we would be missing something and would have to stop to look for the missing piece, delaying the process. Instructions are important in your walk with Christ! You don’t want to delay God’s process in your life.

 Step 2, instructions tell you how to lay things out; to make it easy for you. In which, you won’t have to go over things that you don’t need to. Consider your life now, you don’t need to do things you have no business of doing. No need to revisit cycles where you’re up today and down today. Lay everything out before God! The Gospel is an influence, and it will never leave people how they have been found! The Gospel will bring you out and set you free, save you, restore you and will help you. YOU NEED THE GOSPEL! It purifies your imperfections.

Step 3, with instructions you have to completely obey and follow what is written. With God you MUST obey to do His will! Do not walk in disobedience nor complete any instructions disobediently. Walk and live in obedience to God. Know that after walking in obedience to Him, doing His will, now you become the patient to be able to obtain the promises He has laid up for you. When God makes a promise it doesn’t matter how much it cost; it shall come to pass. You want the promises, OBEY GOD! When David passed on the instructions to Solomon, Solomon followed every instruction, obeyed, and reaped the promises of God. A genuine relationship with God was the key to David’s success. Solomon followed suit, had a genuine relationship with God, and reaped all of God’s promises.

Will you obey and follow the instructions of the Lord in your remaining years? Or will you spend your remaining disobeying and missing out of the promises of God? You have a desire to succeed, right? The only way is to have a genuine relationship with God.

Hear the Gospel!

Hear the instructions and obey God’s Will, and you WILL reap His promises!

I Shall Not Want

Message Preached on July 17, 2022 by Pastor Cynthia D. Bellamy

Psalm 23: 1-3

Psalm 23 1:1 tells us “The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want”. Thus, you must come to a place of understanding that you have what you need; and that is God! There is no room for want in your life because you have what you need. The only time that we begin to want for something is when we do not have it. However, Psalm is reminding us that when the Lord is your shepherd, you lack nothing.

When you acknowledge God as your shepherd, the God that makes provision, makes room for you, puts you in a place of “green pastures”; it’s all you need. We know too often we’re asking for certain “wants” in life (money, husbands, job, etc..) but God be your shepherd, He has what you “need”. It doesn’t mean these “wants” won’t come your way but God, has EXACTLY what you “need”. For we know, what we really want is not what we really need. Even the things we crave after, we know is not the best thing for us. Even with the people in your surroundings, you must watch because their “behavior” can be an indication they “want something” from you. Yet with God, it’s never so and need to remember He has what you need!

What are you lacking when you have God?

Have you ever considered actual shepherds and their sheep, where after a while the shepherd must shave the hair of a sheep? The shaving needs to happen because the hair on the sheep becomes to heavy, which leads to infection and other diseases. In saying all of this, God is shaving you and what’s underneath you must come out. The process may be hurtful but remember, the Lord is your shepherd, and He has what you need.

God makes it possible for us to lie down in green pastures, to lie down in plenty, not worry, to not want, and to realize God has what I need. For when we need to get up, we know that everything is going to be there, waiting. Take a minute and think, do you acknowledge the Lord is your shepherd, and wherever He leads you shall follow?

There is nothing that you need that God does not already have!

Even in leading us to still waters, God can’t lead if you’re in the front! Whoever is leading should be in the front; yet we tend to try and take control of our own lives. When God is not moving fast enough, we try and take the driver seat. Knowing all too well going around and being impatient with God will only stir more trouble. The reason we’re not obtaining what God has for us is not because He doesn’t have it, but it’s because we get impatient and try to make our own way out.

God doesn’t compromise with us! He already has a plan in place for your life; a plan in place for you.

How do you depend on God? How do you trust him? The only way is to learn how to lean on Him. If you lean on Jesus, He will never let you fall. The way you learn this is to know when God brings you through hardship, remember that He can surely bring you through once again. To that moment where you can hear His voice say, “I got you.”

Remember and write it on the tablet of your heart, The LORD is my Shepherd, I have what I need!

Where Did You Fall?

Message Preached on July 10, 2022 by Pastor Cynthia D. Bellamy

" The same day went Jesus out of the house, and sat by the sea side. And great multitudes were gathered together unto him, so that he went into a ship, and sat; and the whole multitude stood on the shore. And he spake many things unto them in parables, saying, Behold, a sower went forth to sow; And when he sowed, some seeds fell by the way side, and the fowls came and devoured them up: Some fell upon stony places, where they had not much earth: and forthwith they sprung up, because they had no deepness of earth: And when the sun was up, they were scorched; and because they had no root, they withered away. And some fell among thorns; and the thorns sprung up, and choked them: But other fell into good ground, and brought forth fruit, some an hundredfold, some sixtyfold, some thirtyfold.
Who hath ears to hear, let him hear. " --Matthew 13: 1-9

Jesus spoke in parables to the crowd in Matthew 13: 1-9, but in its deeper context one cannot help but view the teaching as a moment of self-examination of their walk with Christ. “Have I falling by the wayside and devoured?” “Am I in a stony place with no earth beneath me, springing up nothing?“Am I scorched by the sun, because there’s no root and I’m withering away?” “Did I fall on thorns and choked?” “Or am I on good ground, bearing fruit a hundredfold, sixtyfold, and thirtyfold?

Asking oneself these questions, you must examine your connection with God. How connected are you to the heavenly father? Consider how God feels when the connection with us severs? When we walk away or allow the troubles of life to consume us and not reach out to the father; it tugs on God’s heart. Think about moments where we escape our troubles repeatedly, it is because of the connection we have with God. Consequently, when fallen away from God, take into consideration where your seed sown and how deep are you planted in God. Are you rooted well-enough?

In planting, the roots are important and the lifeline to a plant. Roots of a plant are for primarily three major functioning. The roots of a plant are for absorbing water and mineral, for anchor & support, and for storing food. Your roots in God, are they well-nourished beneath you? Are you well-watered, anchored, and supported? If not, check the ground and dirt beneath you and take heed to the parable in the text.

Where Did I Fall?

Is my seed on good ground?

Be Still, and know that I am God!

Message Preached on June 26, 2022, by Pastor Cynthia D. Bellamy

Psalm 46:10

This is what God wants us know and remember, to know that HE IS GOD. Too often we’re trying to figure out on our very own what and who God is; stressing, fighting, rejecting, and running. Yet God is telling us to STOP! We must STOP and know “I AM THAT I AM” is with us. Just as Moses had asked what shall I say to them that asked of his name in Exodus 3:13-14; God responded, “I AM THAT I AM”!

The message, from Pastor Cynthia Bellamy came in power and authority, to remind us we need to KNOW who God is. We’re living in a day in age where too many Christians are falling for false ideologies, false doctrines, going to and fro from one thing to another. Yet, forgetting the one and only thing that is without a doubt factual and never wavering; that is the word of God. We have to be careful to stop breaking out of the “Apostolic Box”. What does that even mean? God is STILL HOLY! For it is written in 1 Peter 1:16, “Be Ye Holy; for I am Holy”. Everything else around us seems to be failing, but God’s name will never go out.

Does the word of God have your attention or is everything else around grabbing a hold of you? Stop, and know who God is! What will it take for you to confess that He is God? We must come to honor and reverence the I AM.

Stop, and know the ways of God. In order to walk like Him, talk like Him, think like Him, we MUST know the word of God. Once we know the word of God, we will be able to live right, so we can die right.

So ask yourself, am I still enough to know the I AM? For God knows the real from the counterfeits in the church. Do you want to be real in his sight or do you want to be a counterfeit that He rejects?

Be Still, and know the I AM!